Tooting Mama
Tea with Tooting Mama
Sri Lankan hopper making kits and culinary mastery: Rosh Olivelle's Sri Lankan success story

Sri Lankan hopper making kits and culinary mastery: Rosh Olivelle's Sri Lankan success story

Rosh Olivelle, founder of Hop & Roll

South Asian Heritage Month seeks to raise the profile and help people understand the richness and diversity of South Asian culture in Britain today. 

The 2024 celebrations focus on the theme, free to be me.

For this special edition of Tea with Tooting Mama I’m talking to the women behind the Sri Lankan Culture Collective: Rosh Olivelle, Thana Samasambu and Krish Puwanarajah.

It’s a platform to showcase modern Sri Lankan culture and identity in the UK.

You’re going to hear from Rosh Olivelle, the founder of Hop and Roll. 

Rosh sells hopper making kits which allows customers to make Sri Lanka’s iconic dish at home. As well as this, Rosh runs hopper making classes and caters for events. And she has just gone on to win a Great Taste Award for her Sri Lankan roasted curry powder.

As you will see Sri Lankan food is a big part of Sri Lankan culture. 

Making food central to our lives has helped Rosh, Thana and Krish be free to be themselves. 

Join me as I dig deeper into their stories, their Sri Lankan heritage and identity, and find out why food plays such an important role in their lives.

Hop & Roll

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Buy Hop & Roll Hopper kits

South Asian Heritage Month

Sri Lankan Culture Collective Boutique Festival

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