
They sure do! I’m curious about wasabi leaves now, I’ve just been reading about them fried in tempura batter!

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That is just brilliant! I’ve considered growing a curry tree always thought it was too cold here but I could try indoors! You’ve inspired me!!!

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I’m assuming I will be able to source those leaves here in Australia, we have a Sri Lankan or Indian shop just about on every corner where I live. They seem to combine for some reason. In fact the other day we came across a new one, we could smell it before we realised it was there. My first comment was, “oooh, something smells delicious”

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I think you should be able to and to stock up on some fresh curry leaves too! A Sri Lankan grocery shop is like walking into an Aladdin’s cave!

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I am lucky that I have my own Curry Tree, it is not very big but provides all the leaves I need. It probably needs to be in the garden but I know they can grow to a reasonable size

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The salad sounds lovely. The leaves are so pretty – they look similar in appearance to wasabi leaves.

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