What a wonderful thing to do if I was in London. Just the other day we were at our local bank and the lady who looks after our needs is Sri Lankan, she had recently been to a festival at which she was quite involved, and she showed us photos of her in her traditional dress, how beautiful she looked, not that she doesn’t look lovely in western clothes, but she lit up in her sari.

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And we’d be delighted to host you! I love that you are taking an interest in Sri Lankan food & culture 🙏🏾

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Wishing you every success for the festival, Ranji, and a more peaceful and less anxious environment for hosting by the time it comes around. x

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Thanks Matt it’s not been the easiest of times! It feels like we have rewound to the 70s! I’m sure we will pull through and shower people with love & food!

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Awful times, but some of the best of people showing themselves too. ❤️

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